紐西蘭國會同性伴侶婚姻平等保障法草案(即婚姻法關於婚姻定義修正案)三讀前,國會議員Maurice Williamson發言英文暨中文翻譯全文

張宏誠 譯





下午利用一點時間,把紐西蘭國會在三讀表決同性伴侶婚姻平等保障法草案(即婚姻法有關婚姻定義修正案)前,國會議員Maurice Williamson所發表的一段精彩的演說,轟動武林,世界各國競相跟他要演講稿要翻譯成自己國家語言分享,而Williamson議員受訪時說,他根本沒有演講稿,只是隨便寫一寫,大部分是即席演講。有網友翻譯一小段,我想索性把他全部翻譯成中文分享。其實很多話我都說得嘴巴都破了,希望Williamson生動的演說,可以再度喚起一些對於我曾經寫過的話的一些記憶,讓大家真的相信,讓同性伴侶享有與異性戀伴侶一樣平等的結婚權利,真的,世界末日不會來臨,人類不會滅亡,臺灣這座島不會沈下去,異性戀者舞照跳、愛照做、婚照結、婚照離、照樣有小三、小王~~





Mr SPEAKER: Before I call the next speaker, I am aware that a number of speakers have arranged to have split calls. I ask just that that be revealed to the Speaker as the call is taken initially.


Maurice Williamson議員[2](兼營建部部長):我自己和我的同僚Jami-Lee Ross議員[3]也都登記要臨時發言。我們兩個可以說是一個年輕有活力、一個又老又無趣。

Hon MAURICE WILLIAMSON (Minister for Building and Construction): I too will be taking a split call with my colleague Jami-Lee Ross. It is sort of the young and the vibrant versus the old and the boring.


Ruth Dyson議員:你們誰是誰?

Hon Ruth Dyson: Which one’s which?


Maurice Williamson議員:在座的各位最後都會被迫選擇要當哪一個。

Hon MAURICE WILLIAMSON: Members of the House will be forced to choose which one is which.

 New Zealand Gay Marriage.JPEG-08a1c  

首先,我個人要恭喜同性伴侶婚姻平等保障法草案的提案人Louisa Wall議員[4],這個法案應該可以順利三讀通過了。我認為這幾年擔任國會議員,學到的最重要的事是,學會對於那些總是有人說會引發地獄之火的邪惡罪行見怪不怪。在我的選區裡曾有一個牧師告訴我,假如國會通過同性伴侶婚姻平等保障法,這個世界就會被同志大軍所毀滅。我們真的很想知道,到底同志大軍帶來的世界毀滅後到底長什麼樣子。我們不知道那是不是會有一整個部隊降落在Pakuranga高速公路上?或者是將會在我的選區裡散佈致命毒氣然後將我們都困死在裡面。

I want to, first of all, congratulate Louisa Wall on this bill, and I want to say that the good news about spending years in this Parliament is that you learn to deflect all of the dreadful sort of fire and brimstone accusations that people say are going to happen. I have had a reverend in my local electorate call and say that the gay onslaught will start the day after this bill is passed. We are really struggling to know what the gay onslaught will look like. We do not know whether it will come down the Pakuranga Highway as a series of troops, or whether it will be a gas that flows in over the electorate and blocks us all in.



I also had a Catholic priest tell me that I was supporting an unnatural act. I found that quite interesting, coming from someone who has taken an oath of celibacy for his whole life.


Amy Adams議員:守~貞~(發音要正確)

Hon Amy Adams: Cel-i-bacy.


Maurice Williamson議員:好,守~貞~,這個神聖的字,我們發音一定要字正腔圓一點。不過無論如何,我是不知道什麼是守貞啦,我從沒守過貞,所以也不知道守貞是怎麼回事。

Hon MAURICE WILLIAMSON: Cel-i-bacy—OK. We will go with celibacy, OK. I have not done it, so I do not know what it is about.



I also had a letter telling me that I would burn in the fires of hell for eternity, and that was a bad mistake because I have got a degree in physics. I used the thermodynamic laws of physics. I put in my body weight and my humidity and so on, I assumed the furnace to be at 5,000 degrees Celsius, and I would last for just on 2.1 seconds. It is hardly eternity—what do you think?



I also heard some more disgusting claims about adoption. Well, I have got three fantastic adopted kids. I know how good adoption is, and I have found some of the claims just disgraceful.



I found some of the bullying tactics really evil. I gave up being scared of bullies when I was at primary school.



However, a huge amount of the opposition was from moderates, from people who were concerned—who were seriously worried—about what this bill might do to the fabric of our society. I respect their concern; I respect their worry. They were worried about what it might to do to their families, and so on. Let me repeat to them now: all we are doing with this bill is allowing two people who love each other to have that love recognised by way of marriage. That is all we are doing. We are not declaring nuclear war on a foreign State. We are not bringing a virus in that could wipe out our agricultural sector for ever. We are allowing two people who love each other to have that recognised, and I cannot see what is wrong with that, for neither love nor money—I just cannot. I cannot understand why someone would be opposed.



I understand why people do not like what it is that others do. That is fine; we are all in that category. But I give a promise to those people who are opposed to this bill right now. I give you a watertight, guaranteed promise. The sun will still rise tomorrow. Your teenage daughter will still argue back at you as if she knows everything. Your mortgage will not grow. You will not have skin diseases or rashes or toads in your bed. The world will just carry on. So do not make this into a big deal. This bill is fantastic for the people it affects, but for the rest of us, life will go on.



Finally, can I say that one of the messages I had was that this bill was the cause of our drought—this bill was the cause of our drought. Well, if any of you follow my Twitter account, you will have seen that in the Pakuranga electorate this morning it was pouring with rain. We had the most enormous, big, gay rainbow across my electorate. It has to be a sign—it has to be a sign. If you are a believer, it is certainly a sign.



Can I finish—for all those who are concerned about this—with a quote from the Bible. It is Deuteronomy. I thought Deuteronomy was a cat out of the musical Cats, but never mind. The quote is Deuteronomy 1:29: “Be ye not afraid.”




[1]譯註:紐西蘭國會目前共有121位議員,現任議長是David Cunningham Carter






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