為了延續Diesel服飾的不斷創新求變的品牌精神,特別在米蘭市中心Piazza St. Lorenzo Columns旁,緊鄰P.ta Ticinese,設置一面高三層樓的牆面,每年選擇具有原創性的平面或立體作品,裝置在該牆面上,每三個月更換作品一次。
四月份展示的是義大利藝術創作者MARCO BURZONI的立體作品,作品名稱:BE。
作品英文簡介:”BE.” Is an English verb. To be, do not appear. Parabolic antennas. The structure becomes three-dimensional by itself: so that it and it doesn’t appear. “BE.” is a wish for everybody: anyone should always feel himself. Parabolic antennas are a metaphor of visual appearance. Parabolic antennas are the instrument that allow a vision they are the instruments that collect the information and therefore take part to the growing thirst for visibility of today’s world. Randomly places in the urban texture, parabolic antennas strongly modify cities’ landscapes.
Marco Burzoni designed his work with parabolic antennas. Mostly considered unattractive objects (certainly not for their shape: a perfect circle) because of their violent intervention in the aesthetical balance of the cityscape. The antennas all look grey (grey is their standard colour) although one is yellow. THE YELLOW ANTENNAS IS DIFFERENT: “BE.”, THE ONE AGAINST THE OTHERS.