



I. Introduction: value determination on “First Chin (relationship), then Li (reason) and Fa (law)”(情、理、法)
II. Few key concepts of Confucianism
1. Introduction
2. Shiao (孝)– filial piety
3. Chong (忠)– loyalty
4. Ren (仁)– humanity
5. Li (禮)– ritual
6. Renlun (人倫)– relationships
III. Codification of Confucianism and its influences on legal culture
1. Li is the principle above law
2. Emperor of Ren (仁君)to rule
3. Duties under Shiao (孝道): moralization in family law
4. State law and litigation as the last means
IV. Confucianism in Taiwan’s transmitted legal system
1. Reception (“borrowing”) from German law as basic legal system
2. From duty-orientated to right-orientated
3. Judicial review as the leading role
V. Concluded Remark: from “rule by law” to “rule of law”?
Epilogue: Chinese legal culture and same-sex marriage under “shiao” and “renlun”
1. Chinese social relationship: “not toleration but silence”
2. Reproduction obligation on “men” to their families under shiao

Appendix: Max Weber on differences between Western (Civil law system) and Chinese legal cultures


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